Graphic Design Canon?

AIGAcanon.back_4679Some of my first graphic design history research focussed on finding women designers, after I noticed they were missing. One way to discuss the ‘missing’ was to show how few had work published in some major GD history books. The AIGA journal published “Is there a Canon of Graphic Design?” in Fall 1991. This article has been anthologized in “Design Culture” edited by Steven Heller and Marie Finamore (Allworth, 1997). Eye magazine published an update, “Googling the Canon” no. 68, May 2008.

About Martha Scotford

Martha Scotford is a book designer, and taught graphic design and design history at North Carolina State University for 32 years. She has received NEA grants for research on women in design, and was a Fulbright Lecturer in India in 2001.
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